C/ Caballeros, 2 +34 963 863 461

Generalitat Palace was built in 1418 and served as a tax collecting business for the Crown. Nowadays, this palace is just one of the major sights of Valencia city.

Generalitat Palace is made up of a central body of late Gothic style built in 1421. Its two side towers were built between 1518 and 1952. Between 1481 and 1520 the yard was expanded, also following the Gothic style, a chapel was built and the construction of Manises Square began. Between 1518 and 1519, the Renaissance tower was constructed and four centuries later, in 1952, the second tower was built.

Since its construction, Generalitat Palace has hosted numerous institutions: the House of the General Council of Valencia (1421-1705), the Royal Court (1750-1923), the Provincial Court (1923-1982) and finally, Generalitat Valenciana (from 1982 until now).

Generalitat Palace is one of the places to visit in Valencia that you cannot miss!


Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 02:00 p.m. (by appointment only)


Free Entrance